A+ Perfect condition, very rare to find a copy in this impeccable condition.
A Poster in very good condition. It may have some negligible tears in the margins, there is no missing paper. The colors are fresh and no stains are visible.
A- It may have a slight fold mark, tear or small lack of paper in the margins. If it shows restoration, it has been carried out successfully.
B+ The sign may be restored. Defects are slightly visible.
B Poster in good condition. It has tears, some stains and some paper missing, never affecting the crucial area of the design. The colors are fresh and the poster has a very good overall appearance.
B- The poster is restored, there are some defects and slight loss of color in the fold marks.
C+ The restorations are visible.
C Poster in fair state of conservation. There are tears, stains, fold marks, and/or missing paper that may partially affect the crucial area of the design, colors may be somewhat faded, and the poster has a fair to good overall appearance.
C- Requires restoration.