Insert in the children's magazine THE DOG, THE MOUSE AND THE CAT ... For several weeks, from the hand of the cartoonist OSCAR, the magazine published some inserts dedicated to the characters and associations of the imaginary villa of VILLACABALLOS. This corresponds to the football team.
CLASSIFICATION OF THE POSTERS ACCORDING TO THEIR CONSERVATION (in bold the one corresponding to this poster):
A+ Is a flawless example of a poster rarely seen in such fine condition.
A Designates a poster in very fine condition. There may be some tears on the margins, but not noticeable. No paper loss. Colours are fresh and has no blemish.
A- There may be some slight fold marks, tear or other minor defect, but most unobtrusive. Successful restoration if restored.
B+ If some restoration it is not immediately evident.
B Designates a poster in good condition. There may be some tears. Blemish or paper loss, but not in any crucial design area. Colours are fresh and the poster has a very good appearance.
B- Restoration may show some defects. Colours along the fold marks are faded.
C+ Restorations are visible.
C Designates a poster in fair condition. Tears, blemish, fold marks and or paper loss are more pronounced or may slightly affect the image of the poster. Colours may be faded.
C- Requires restoration.